Student Performance Analysis

Ability Frequency distribution graph

Frequency graph

This display shows the relative frequencies of pupils with different GCSE mean scores who sat A-level. Similar graphs can be produced for GCSE using a standardised test as the indicator.

The GCSE mean grade ranges are shown along the x axis with the percentage frequency shown on the y axis. The figures above each column are the percentage frequency for each column.

The larger the sample population (number of pupils) the more likely the graph is to show an approximately normal distribution curve. With small populations the graph can be particularly useful in showing the spread of ability within a given group.

There may be quite marked differences in the distribution of ability between two groups even though the ability means for the two groups, as judged by GCSE mean grades, are nearly the same.

Separate graphs can be produced according to gender, particularly useful when looking at gender differences in examination outcomes.

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